Get Nature Bonds in key projects for your value chain

The Nature Bond investment mechanism allows farmers to migrate to sustainable practices. By buying Nature Bonds, you will get access to their raw materials.

1 Nature Bond

equals 100 m2 transformed


La Montañita

Caquetá, Colombia

La Montañita

Transition to silvopastoral systems, milk production, Amazonian fruits.

+500 Hectares
+40 Families
1 NB = 100 m2 transformed

Need a different project for your value chain?

We design sustainable agriculture projects based on your value chain and ESG priorities.

Let's talk

Why invest in Nature Bonds?

When you buy our project's Nature Bonds, you finance sustainable farming practices and the restoration of natural resources.

Benefits Nature Bonds Carbon credits
Value chain risk reduction
CO2 capture
GHG reduction
Biodiversity conservation
Better living conditions
Enhanced agricultural productivity
Projects with small farmers

Nature Bond's ROI

Invest in your value chain

CO2 capture

CO2 capture

Your company will reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to climate change mitigation. If carbon credits are issued, you can decide whether to use them or ask us to sell them for you.

Availability of raw materials

Availability of raw materials

Thanks to our projects, you will have more stable access to climate-resilient raw materials and more diverse and organic products.

Brand positioning

Brand positioning

By investing in Fincas projects, you will positively impact the communities that are part of your value chain. You will receive high quality audiovisual material to improve your reputation and brand positioning with consumers.

Producer loyalty

Producer loyalty

The projects and agreements we develop with the communities create stability, commitment and security, making the most attractive option for them to sell their products to our customers.

Cost reduction

Cost reduction

The regenerative agriculture techniques we implement improve multiple dimensions simultaneously, reducing costs in the medium and long term.

Environmental risk mitigation

Environmental risk mitigation

Our projects reduce environmental risks that can affect your value chain, such as droughts, forest fires and floods, which can affect your operation.

The Impacts of the Nature Bonds

Invest in nature

CO2 capture

We calculate the CO2 the project captures or mitigates. If enough carbon is captured, we emit carbon credits.

Biodiversity conservation

We preserve the territory's flora and fauna through mechanisms such as creating wildlife corridors and protecting riparian buffer zones.

Better water quality

We protect and aim to improve the quality of the bodies of water by creating wildlife corridors and cattle-aqueduct systems, amongst other mechanisms.

Enhanced productivity

We use regenerative agriculture to eliminate the use of chemical fertilizers, create richer soils and more diverse crops, resilient to climate change.

Higher incomes

We generate higher incomes for our clients and the communities by improving the products' resilience, diversity and quality.

Better quality of life

We contribute to the communities' income, food security, adaptation to climate change and Ancestral Knowledge conservation.